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研究 in Focus: 食物

博彩网址大全的研究人员正在采取跨学科的方法 understand one of the most basic necessities of life: 食物.

参见三位研究人员和Doisy健康科学学院院长的讨论 我们的城市和当今世界面临的与食品相关的挑战,以及博彩网址大全如何做到最好 equipped to tackle them.

“我们如何才能继续以公平和可持续的方式养活不断增长的人口 的方式?”

这个问题驱使着博彩网址大全所有正在研究的研究人员 食物. 博彩网址大全的食品研究涵盖了整个学术领域,从天然食品到人造食品 social sciences to the humanities.

From Seed to Table

“我们在整个大学,在杜西健康科学学院, 还有艺术和科学,公共卫生和社会正义——从 seed to table,” said Mardell Wilson, Ed.D., dean of the Doisy College of Health Sciences.

这种包容性的,跨学科的方法来食品研究给博彩网址大全一个独特的,全面的 从不同于其他院校的角度来看待这个问题. 

“我认为,我们如何将所有这些人聚集在一起,可以使我们成为一个充满活力的地方 not only study, but to conduct your research, as well,” Wilson said.

Allison Miller, Ph.D., professor of biology at 博彩网址大全, studies agriculture and sustainable 实践. 米勒对多年生植物、多样性和进化特别感兴趣. 她的实验室正在与土地研究所合作,以确定野生多年生物种 作物发展.

其中一个例子是Kernza,有人认为它可以发展成多年生小麦 替代.

“[Kernza]不仅生产我们可以收获然后用来制作面粉的产品 烤面包,还有这个庞大的根系,它可以容纳和保存我们的 soil,” said Miller.

While Miller studies 食物 production, Ellen Barnidge, Ph.D, associate professor of 行为科学与健康教育,研究可得性和可及性 的食物.

食物 不安全感 affects millions of people in the United States, Barnidge has previously found the issue to be of particular concern in St. 路易.

“一些数据显示,四分之一的孩子生活在食物不安全的家庭, “食物不安全”意味着家里没有足够的食物供所有成员食用 to live an active and healthy lifestyle,” said Barnidge.

通过 a partnership with Danis Pediatrics在美国,巴里奇正在标准化食品不安全筛查,并将这些筛查联系起来 need with appropriate resources.

“我们将他们与学生联系起来,与他们合作寻找资源,然后 we’re looking at, ‘Do they come to well-child visits more often?’”巴里奇说. “我们有很多年轻的学生想要成为解决方案的一部分 they want to be part of making progress. I think that’s really w在这里 the hope lies.”

Understanding the History

博彩网址大全食品研究的独特之处在于其强大的跨学科性质. 食物 例如,历史为博彩网址大全的研究人员提供了重要的背景知识 the 食物-related challenges facing our world today.

“对我来说,食物史是一个棱镜,可以看到过去不同的社会问题, mainly 食物 systems and 食物 security,” said Fabien Montcher, Ph.D., assistant professor 历史系的教授. Montcher’s research interests include the social history of the Renaissance and 食物 history.

蒙彻认为,了解过去的挑战可以为可持续的, effective solutions to the challenges of today.

“近代早期给了我们很多关于世界变得全球化的见解,”他说 Montcher. "We can retrace the genealogy of modern states in order, maybe, to reform, to challenge, modern politics.” 

蒙彻研究了食物和味道所扮演的不同政治和社会角色 have played throughout history.

“食品中也流传着这些想法 the early modern world," Montcher said. "T在这里 is an opportunity to trace the political history of citruses and the history of political tolerance.” 

St. 路易: A Hub for Agriculture

St. 路易斯有得天独厚的条件成为全国农业中心,并被赋予 由于其研究人员的实力,博彩网址大全在利用资源方面处于独特的地位 建立可以转化为全球影响的区域伙伴关系.

“我们在食品、食品生产、食品研究方面有机会 maybe other cities can’t leverage,” said Wilson.

Miller, who holds Donald Danforth植物科学中心和 博彩网址大全, is enthusiastic about doing her research in St. 路易.

“One of the benefits of being in a place like St. 路易 is that we can connect the 密苏里大学的资源和密苏里植物园的资源 丹佛斯植物科学中心试图开辟新的道路来满足这些需求 challenges,” Miller said.

In September 2017, Miller was one of several faculty members who planned the 博彩网址大全峰会 on 食物 and the Environment, which built upon these collaborations.

Barnidge认为博彩网址大全的天主教,耶稣会的使命是这所大学的另一个原因 is qualified to lead in this field.

“我知道我想进入一个有更大使命的机构,真正的知识 in action,”  Barnidge said. “You can have a mission, but it’s the people who are carrying out that mission on a day-to-day basis, doing research, that seems to matter.”

一种为所有人建立一个更美好、更公正的世界的愿望, drives all of this 食物 research at 博彩网址大全.

“通过不同学科的一系列不同类型的研究,这个机构 能改变我们的饮食方式以及我们的粮食系统对地球的影响吗 and on our city,” Miller said.


Learn more about the four faculty members featured in this article and video:

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Ellen Barnidge, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Behavioral Science and Health Education

Barnidge是行为科学和健康不平等方面的专家,也是一位领导者 on the issue 的食物 不安全感. Her passion for community engagement informs much of her work; her research has previously provided novel and vital insights into the issue 的食物 不安全感 in St. 路易. 通过与丹尼斯儿科的持续合作,巴尼奇正在帮助医疗 从业者和社区成员迅速发现并面对食物问题 不安全感. 

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Allison Miller, Ph.D.

Professor, Biology

Miller's research focuses on perennial plant diversity and evolution. The goal of her research 是“增进对多年生植物的基本认识并应用这些知识? 要对多年生作物进行改良,开发适合多年生农业的新型作物 systems, the conservation of perennial plant genetic resources.她说 a first-of-its-kind joint faculty position between 博彩网址大全 and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. She is also a 研究 Associate at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. In 2017, Miller was one of several 博彩网址大全 faculty members who planned the first ever 博彩网址大全峰会 on 食物 and the Environment, she is currently one of two faculty members planning for a 博彩网址大全 Center for 食物 and the Environment

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Fabien Montcher, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, History

Montcher studies early modern history, social history, 食物 history. 他的工作 研究早期现代形式的暴力,知识文化, and state intelligence systems through a European and global Iberian lens. Montcher 目前正在完成一本名为《财富学者:伊比利亚学者? and the Making of Politics in Late Renaissance Wars." More information on this manuscript, as well as Montcher's other research projects, can be found 在这里

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Mardell Wilson, Ed.D., rd, LDN

Dean and Professor, Doisy College of Health Sciences

Wilson自2014年起担任the Doisy College of Health Sciences的院长. 在她的任期内,威尔逊一直是学生和研究人员的冠军 the health sciences. She has provided vital leadership to both her college and to the University overall; she has served as the chair of a number of search committees, 包括帕克斯学院院长,以及最近的特鲁迪院长 Busch Valentine School of Nursing. Outside of 博彩网址大全, Wilson is affiliated with a number 国家组织包括营养与饮食学会,协会 和《博彩网址大全》 和行为.